November is a time for gatherings.  It is when we slow down and take stock of what matters to us.  It is a month we celebrate a holiday centered on the idea of gratitude.  We gather our friends and family to share a meal and to be thankful.  It is one of my favorite months.
However, this November my heart is heavy.  As I sit to write these words, I cannot help but think about our friends and allies in France.  This past week’s horrific events have created fear and uncertainty and remind us of how very fragile life can be.  Perhaps there is a lesson in all of this sadness and it is to remind us of what is really important.
So, I invite you to gather those close to you and show them how grateful you are to have them in your life.  Be thankful for the important things and make every day beautiful and special.
Vive La France!
Warm Regards,